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AKACHEN is a brand founded by Taiwanese artist AkaChen (Chinese: 陳智權 ; pinyin: Chen ChiChuan). AKACHEN is renowned in creating titanium art pieces, specialized in using gemstones as the medium for artistic expression. “Zen”- the art jewelry sculpture was collected by the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. The work was quoted by the V&A museum as the art piece that combines sculpture, installation and jewelry, redefining jewelry design for the 21st century.[1]


Born in Taipei in 1965, AkaChen’s childhood spent in the lush paddies observing and chasing small creatures, left him with inerasably fond memory that he later on frequently came back to as inspirations. In 1989 he established jewellery studio Sunflower Art Company, and in the decades that ensued, he dedicated himself to the arts, crafts and science of jewellery making. He sourced the gemstones and pearls from the countries of origin and established cutting mills. In 1994, AkaChen began extensive experimentation in titanium processing technology to use it on jewellery making. In 2007, AkaChen created his first piece of jewellery made with titanium of 99.9% purity. Since this breakthrough, AkaChen has increasingly focused on, and advocated for the use of titanium in jewellery making. In 2011, AkaChen renamed both his brand and his alias to AKACHEN as a testament to his determination of pursuing an art form distinctively his own, where his multi-disciplinary training and philosophy came to fruition.[2][3]

Throughout his career as a jewellery artist, AkaChen has tasked himself with the mission to manifest oriental philosophy in jewellery as an art form. Growing up he practiced various disciplines rooted in traditional Asian aesthetics, including calligraphy and Ikebana (flower arrangement). He is also heavily influenced by Zen Buddhism and regularly practiced meditation. Immersing in the art of tea ceremony, AkaChen expanded his scope of works to include objects designed for the purpose of making and presenting tea ceremony in refined tea tasting occasions, also known as tea ceremony. This development coincided with AkaChen's desire to instill simplicity into his jewellery, to call upon the user's sensibility, appreciation and finer feelings for extraordinary moments that can be found in everyday life.[4][5]

AkaChen has been invited to exhibit at international trade fairs, and during these fairs his works have been purchased by esteemed jewellery designer houses and entered international circulation. His works have been seen worn by Hollywood celebrities, and also regularly appear in major auction houses.[6][7]

Capturing the beauty of Aurora[edit]

Traditionally, jewellery pieces created by blending gemstones and metals place an emphasis on the former. AkaChen boldly breaks the mold by having titanium be the focus with gemstones as adornment, in turn creating several sculpturesque works in recent years. AkaChen freely create such works as he is buoyed by his skill vis-à-vis the use of titanium in jewelry crafting. Through sculpting under the microscope, AkaChen expertly presents the array of ways metals refract; for instance, in his work The Dragonfly, the wings refract light much like how glass would, while for The Butterfly, the wings refract light in a silky soft, mesmerizing manner. Adding these effects with the multidimensionality of pure titanium colors, a unique artwork is thus born, calling to mind the aurora with its visual impact, drawing in one’s eye. AkaChen’s patented skill with pure titanium colors is a result of years of experimentation, forging a new horizon for art jewelry. The allure of jewellery lies in the permeability of light; how it mesmerizes and evokes endless imagination in the minds of people.[8][9][10][11]


2018 The first AKACHEN exhibition was held at the Asia University Museum of Modern Art, Taiwan.[12][13]

2020 Art piece “ZEN” was collected by Victoria and Albert Museum, London.[14][15][16][17]

2023 Art piece “Glory”- Collection from the Magnolia series was exhibited at the Twin Oaks, USA.[18][19][20]

2023 Wall Art “Om Garden”- a giant work combing painting, sculpture and jewellery was exhibited at the Mongolian and Tibetan Gallery.[21][22][23][24]


  1. ^ Chen, Aka (2017), Zen, retrieved 2023-12-13
  2. ^ Taiwan, Tatler. "藝術珠寶Akachen創辦人陳智權30年創作歷程,結合東方人文與工藝美學". Tatler Asia (in Traditional Chinese). Retrieved 2023-12-13.
  3. ^ "神形一瞬凝成光,專訪Aka Chen談純鈦珠寶藝術創作". 典藏ARTouch.com (in Chinese (Taiwan)). 2022-01-25. Retrieved 2023-12-13.
  4. ^ 聯合新聞網. "優質系/AKACHEN藝術總監陳智權 心物合一的珠寶創作人生 師法自然啟發減法美學". 優質系/AKACHEN藝術總監陳智權 心物合一的珠寶創作人生 師法自然啟發減法美學 (in Chinese). Retrieved 2023-12-13.
  5. ^ "Taiwan Today". taiwanreview.nat.gov.tw. Retrieved 2023-12-13.
  6. ^ "AKACHEN設計 鈦金屬蜻蜓造型胸針|保利香港拍賣". AKACHEN設計 鈦金屬蜻蜓造型胸針|保利香港拍賣. Retrieved 2023-12-13.
  7. ^ "Designer Jewellery with a Zen Spirit". 2022-12-28. Retrieved 2023-12-13.
  8. ^ 雜誌. "AKACHEN––創作人生". www.artist-magazine.com (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Retrieved 2023-12-13.
  9. ^ Lin, Ying-Tsen (2023-05-04). "迷幻極光綻放東方美學意象|AKACHEN禪境藝術珠寶" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Retrieved 2023-12-13.
  10. ^ "Radio Taiwan International".
  11. ^ 世界新聞網. "AKACHEN珠寶 花鳥與蝶飛舞 交織鈦工藝". 世界新聞網 (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Retrieved 2023-12-13.
  12. ^ "藝術美感之珠寶設計". 亞大電視台 | AUflix. Retrieved 2023-12-13.
  13. ^ "【展訊分享】珠寶藝術家陳智權Aka Chen「花舞展翅」特展 亞洲大學現代美術館璀璨登場". TDRI (in Traditional Chinese). 2018-10-04. Retrieved 2023-12-13.
  14. ^ "AKACHEN珠寶 頌讚生命之美 | LIFESTYLE368". life.taiwan368.com.tw (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Retrieved 2023-12-13.
  15. ^ "Commercial Times".
  16. ^ "ChinaTimes".
  17. ^ "Business Today". 20 August 2021.
  18. ^ Team, Internet. "Twin Oaks is exhibiting pure titanium art jewelry works by Taiwan's renowned jewelry artist, AKA Chen". Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States 駐美國台北經濟文化代表處. Retrieved 2023-12-13.
  19. ^ "Business Today 今周刊". Business Today 今周刊. 20 October 2023.
  20. ^ 聯合新聞網. "台灣第一人!AKACHEN純鈦珠寶新作虛實整合科技 華盛頓特區雙橡園辦展秀文化底蘊". 聯合新聞網 (in Chinese). Retrieved 2023-12-13.
  21. ^ "將永恆鑲入珠寶! 驚艷國際的藝術家陳智權 AKA CHEN ,首度以五連屏形式帶著全新鈦金珠寶作品《祕密花園(Om Garden)》現身於台北蒙藏文化館". Harper's BAZAAR (in Chinese (Taiwan)). 2023-11-24. Retrieved 2023-12-13.
  22. ^ 經濟日報. "AKACHEN新作「祕密花園」鈦金珠寶綻放中 | 生活 | 要聞". 經濟日報 (in Chinese). Retrieved 2023-12-13.
  23. ^ "從各式財神到蒙藏吉祥文化《好運連連-財神與蒙藏生活藝術之美》特展 蒙藏文化館展出". 中華民國文化部 (in Chinese). 2023-11-17. Retrieved 2023-12-13.
  24. ^ 經濟日報. "光影輝映吉祥寓意 AKACHEN 鈦金藝術新作「祕密花園」(Om Garden) 傳遞祝福心念 | 藝文展演 | 品味". 經濟日報 (in Chinese). Retrieved 2023-12-13.

External Links[edit]

Official Website